
Action 2


1. To evaluate super-absorbent polymers as a new tool to reduce nitrogen leaching from fertilisers and nitrogen doses per hectare

2. To test the effectiveness of the solution in relation to mineral fertilisers and fertilisers permitted in organic farming


Expected results:

1. Outcome on the efficacy of hydrogels in absorbing nitrogen brought in with fertilisations and making it available slowly during the season, reducing the proportion lost through leaching.

2. Operational report and guidelines for the use of super-absorbent polymers to reduce the environmental impact of fertilisation in organic and integrated viticulture.

Published on: 04/20/2023
Item available in italiano
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Progetto finanziato nella sottomisura 16.1 del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 della Regione Emilia Romagna
copyrights InVite @2020

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