
Action 1


1. To test the outcome of the application of new super-absorbent polymers to improve vineyard drought resilience

2. To test the effectiveness of the solution in a productive vineyard and in a new planting, a system that is highly sensitive to water shortage


Expected results:

1. Results on the efficacy of hydrogels in improving vineyard tolerance to water stress, in relation to their different nature.

2. Operational report and guidelines for the use in the vineyard of super-absorbent polymers to protect the vineyard from drought

3. Guidelines for the use of super-absorbent polymers at planting in order to reduce rootstock mortality following vineyard planting and to accelerate the entry into production.

Published on: 04/21/2023
Item available in italiano
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Progetto finanziato nella sottomisura 16.1 del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 della Regione Emilia Romagna
copyrights InVite @2020

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